Polθ reverse transcribes RNA and promotes RNA-templated DNA repair

Genome-embedded ribonucleotides arrest replicative DNA polymerases (Pols) and cause DNA breaks. Whether
mammalian DNA repair Pols efficiently use template ribonucleotides and promote RNA-templated DNA repair
synthesis remains unknown. We find that human Polq reverse transcribes RNA, similar to retroviral reverse tran-
scriptases (RTs). Polq exhibits a significantly higher velocity and fidelity of deoxyribonucleotide incorporation on
RNA versus DNA. The 3.2-Å crystal structure of Polq on a DNA/RNA primer-template with bound deoxyribonucle-
otide reveals that the enzyme undergoes a major structural transformation within the thumb subdomain to
accommodate A-form DNA/RNA and forms multiple hydrogen bonds with template ribose 2′-hydroxyl groups like
retroviral RTs. Last, we find that Polq promotes RNA-templated DNA repair in mammalian cells. These findings
suggest that Polq was selected to accommodate template ribonucleotides during DNA repair.