TRBP alters human precursor microRNA processing in vitro

MicroRNAs play central roles in controlling gene expression in human cells. Sequencing data show that many miRNAs are produced at different levels and as multiple isoforms that can vary in length at their 59 or 39 ends, but the biogenesis and functional significance of these RNAs are largely unknown. We show here that the human trans-activation response (TAR) RNA binding protein (TRBP), a known molecular partner of the miRNA processing enzyme Dicer, changes the rates of pre-miRNA cleavage in an RNA-structure-specific manner. Furthermore, TRBP can trigger the generation of iso-miRNAs (isomiRs) that are longer than the canonical sequence by one nucleotide. We show that this change in miRNA processing site can alter guide strand selection, resulting in preferential silencing of a different mRNA target. These results implicate TRBP as a key regulator of miRNA processing and targeting in humans.