PrimeFlow: Simultaneous detection of (mi)RNA and Protein by Flow Cytometry

New Technologies

Flow cytometry has long been the standard for characterizing heterogeneous cell populations, thanks to its ability to rapidly acquire and analyze millions of individual cells and to multiplex and detect both cell-surface and intracellular proteins in a straightforward workflow. One major limitation, however, is the availability of antibodies to measure all analytes of interest. Researchers studying microRNA (miRNA), long noncoding RNA (lncRNA), messenger RNA (mRNA), viral transcripts (vRNA), unique model organisms, or other targets for which antibody development is troublesome have not been able to utilize the power of flow cytometry. Historically they have had to conduct numerous independent experiments, often on bulk samples, to analyze these targets.

With the Invitrogen PrimeFlow RNA Assay Kit, researchers can now reveal the dynamics of RNA transcription together with protein expression patterns by flow cytometry. The PrimeFlow RNA assay employs fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with branched DNA (bDNA) signal amplification for the simultaneous detection of up to four RNA targets, and it can be used in combination with immunolabeling of both cell-surface and intracellular proteins using fluorophore-conjugated antibodies.