A long noncoding RNA protects the heart from pathological hypertrophy

Han P1, Li W1, Lin CH2, Yang J3, Shang C4, Nurnberg ST4, Jin KK4, Xu W5, Lin CY4, Lin CJ4, Xiong Y4, Chien HC4, Zhou B6, Ashley E4, Bernstein D7, Chen PS3, Chen HS8, Quertermous T4, Chang CP9.
Long Noncoding RNAs & Circular RNAs
The role oflong noncodingRNA (lncRNA)in adult heartsis unknown; also unclearis how lncRNA modulates nucleosome remodelling. An estimated 70% of mouse genes undergo antisense transcription1 , including myosin heavy chain 7 (Myh7), which encodes molecularmotor proteins for heart contraction2 . Here we identify a cluster of lncRNA transcripts from Myh7 loci and demonstrate a new lncRNA–chromatin mechanism for heart failure. In mice, these transcripts, which we named myosin heavy-chain-associated RNA transcripts (Myheart, or Mhrt), are cardiac-specific and abundantin adult hearts. Pathological stress activates the Brg1–Hdac–Parp chromatin repressor complex3 toinhibitMhrttranscriptionin the heart. Such stress-inducedMhrtrepression is essential for cardiomyopathy to develop: restoringMhrtto the prestress level protects the heart from hypertrophy and failure.Mhrt antagonizes the function of Brg1, a chromatin-remodelling factor that is activated by stress to trigger aberrant gene expression and cardiac myopathy3 . Mhrt prevents Brg1 from recognizing its genomic DNA targets, thus inhibiting chromatin targeting and gene regulation by Brg1. It does so by binding to the helicase domain of Brg1, a domain thatis crucial for tethering Brg1 to chromatinized DNA targets. Brg1 helicase has dual nucleic-acid-binding specificities: it is capable of binding lncRNA (Mhrt) and chromatinized—but not naked—DNA. This dual-binding feature of helicase enables a competitive inhibitionmechanism bywhichMhrtsequestersBrg1 fromitsgenomicDNA targets to prevent chromatin remodelling. A Mhrt–Brg1 feedback circuit is thus crucial for heart function. Human MHRT also originates from MYH7 loci and is repressed in various types of myopathic hearts, suggesting a conserved lncRNA mechanismin human cardiomyopathy. Our studies identify a cardioprotective lncRNA, define a new targeting mechanism for ATP-dependent chromatinremodelling factors, and establish a new paradigm for lncRNA– chromatin interaction.